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Annual Report

Annual Report

What's in the report?


About Our School

The About Our School page provides a brief background on the school, an outline of the school’s performance over the year and plans for the future.
The ‘School Context’ describes the school’s vision, values and purpose. Details include the school’s geographic location, size and structure, social characteristics, enrolment characteristics and special programs.
The ‘Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO)’ section includes the improvement initiatives the school has selected and the progress they have made towards achieving them.


Performance Summary

​The Government School Performance Summary provides an overview of how this school is contributing to the objectives of the Education State and how it compares to other Victorian Government schools.


The Performance Summary reports on data in three key areas:
- student achievements in:
- English and Mathematics for National Literacy and Numeracy tests (NAPLAN)
- English and Mathematics for teacher judgements against the curriculum
- all subjects for Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) examinations (secondary schools)
- student attendance and engagement at school
- how many students leaving school go on to further studies or full-time work (secondary, P-12 and specialist schools)
- Attitudes to School Survey (ATOSS)
- Sense of connectedness
- Management of Bullying


Members of the community can contact the school for an accessible version of these data tables if required.

Torquay College acknowledges the Wadawurrung people as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live, learn and play and recognise the resilience, strength and pride of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We acknowledge the connection to land, waters and cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging throughout Australia.

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45-55 Grossmans Rd, Torquay VIC 3228, Australia


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