Student Wellbeing
​For families/carers requiring support from the Engagement and Wellbeing team for their child, please contact your child’s teacher or email torquay.p6.co@education.vic.gov.au with your child’s name and parent/carers contact details.
Rights and Responsibilities
All students have the right to a safe and caring environment which promotes learning, personal growth and self-esteem. The College is committed to providing this and each member of our school community has the responsibility to make this happen.
The College will provide a positive culture where bullying is not accepted. All members of the College community have the right to be respected by others, the right to learn, to participate in learning activities and the right to be safe and secure.
When implementing this policy, the College will apply a "restorative approach" to student wellbeing. The focus of a restorative approach to intervention will be on:
Addressing the underlying cause of behaviour;
Acknowledging and accepting responsibility for the harm caused to the College community;
Using restorative practices to address the behaviour, repair the harm and reintegrate students back into the College community;
Making the commitment of time and resources necessary to repair relationships restoratively.
Restorative approaches may be addressed on an individual basis or through group conferences depending on the circumstances.
There are also many support options for families and young people both locally as well as online:
Surfcoast Shire’s list of local support services (including financial support, food assistance, mental health and family violence):
https://www.surfcoast.vic.gov.au/Community/Public-health/Coronavirus-COVID-19-information-and-resources/Get-Help -
Parentline (confidential counselling, support and information for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years old available 8am to midnight, seven days a week including public holidays) https://www.education.vic.gov.au/parents/services-for-parents/Pages/parentline.aspx
Kids Helpline (24 hour national telephone and online counselling service for young people ages between 5 and 25): Ph 1800 55 1800 or visit www.kidshelpline.com.au
headspace (mental health support for 12 – 25 year old’s as well as information, fact sheets and support for families supporting young people): https://headspace.org.au/